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“The Unbelievable UAE Court Drama You Need to Know About”

"Hey folks, have you caught wind of the latest legal bombshell out of the UAE? It's like something straight out of a thriller novel. Picture this: the UAE's top court is on a mission to unravel a mystery involving none other than the Abu Dhabi Police. We're talking armed robbery at an investor's pad, kidnapping, deadly torture and extortion. And guess who's possibly behind the curtain? 'Sheikh Mohamed himself!', But wait, it gets juicier. To dodge the fallout, it looks like the government's pulling some pretty shady moves – think contempt of court and fraud on a Hollywood scale, including faking court papers to kick the victim out of the country. Talk about a masterclass in how not to uphold justice! And just when you thought it was over, the plot thickens. After losing everything back in '96, the investor isn't backing down. They're on an international quest for justice and a fight to make those court rulings stick. It's a gripping saga of power, loss, and the relentless pursuit of what's right. ...'Stay tuned as this story unfolds – it's bound to be a rollercoaster'




"Marking the 20th Anniversary of the 'Abu Dhabi Police-Looting' in Abu Dhabi, UAE".
"Shop burgled by policeman and his companion Emirati landlord, US$.4m worth money and valuables looted!" Regrettably, the 'Perpetrator' of this 'Heinous Crime' was the State itself whose Ruler at the time was none other than the late 'Sheikh Zayed', the Emir of Abu Dhabi and absolute Ruler of the UAE; and the 'United Nations' has an obligation to act. ... "Statement on the Occasion of the '20th Anniversary of Abu Dhabi Police-Looting, UAE"


"The Sale Prospects of UAE Judgments" A sure means of investment opportunity for ‘Social Justice', that may come across because of its strong Legal back-up and Government support. “The execution of Judgments of the UAE Court is a part of ‘Indo-Gulf Reparation’ Movement”. Millions of Indians working abroad will be the beneficiaries of a 'Mutual Reparation Mechanism' if put into practical effect. Let us strengthen the bonds of friendship between India and Gulf Countries

Judgment for sale

False Arrests and Imprisonments: Crimes Against the People (UAE)

Imprisonment in itself is a very torturous word, and its meaning further intensifies if you are lodged in prisons on the contrary to the Law and Judicial decisions of the highest Court in the country. This site brings you word-to-word account of what goes behind the walls of some of famous (infamous) prisons of UAE.

The right to livelihood cannot be subjected to individual fancies of the person in authority.

In sharp contrast with countries abiding by the Rule of Law, those who live and work in the UAE do not have the protection of Law. Those who have access to the corridors of power can violate the Law with impurity. Due to various considerations, economic and political, the countries from where people migrate do not protect their citizens.

Here in this case, the UAE authority cowardly committed cruelty and discrimination against a victim of police brutality. On the other hand, both the courts in Abu Dhabi, including Supreme Court, the legal court of appeal, were fully satisfied and praised the conduct of the victim throughout the judicial proceedings.


The offending State of UAE which is responsible vicariously for the crimes, torts and other illegal actions of its officials. The right to livelihood cannot be subjected to individual fancies of the person in authority.

(Full Text)


The ‘UAE Court Judgments’ are worth buying, in all respects

The UAE officials are committed to honour the content of the obligation to execute the Court Judgments now available for sale to general public. The execution of the Judgment, it is inferred, is only delayed but not denied. View the statements and documents in connection with the European Parliament resolution. A great potential and scope for investments in a Judgment, awarded by the highest Court of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates...More Details


Landmark Judgments in the history of Abu Dhabi (UAE) Jurisprudence – Now on sale!

There are diabolical debtors who hide Judicial decisions, commit fraud or other henious acts to avoid honoring obligations! Buy portfolios of UAE Judgments now on sale!...More Details


Learn about corrupt practices in UAE

The head of a business empire based in Abu Dhabi was attacked by a posse of policemen in civil dress at his office; robbed of cash and valuables to force him to withdraw a lawsuit against a property owner...More Details



JFS, (Judgment For Sale) is a unique business strategy to satisfy legal judgments, to recover his or her rights from the debtors specified in a Judgment. As a lawful owner of a legal Judgement, the victim has the right to offer his Judgment for sale or to make efforts to legally enforce and recover his assets and the inherent rights of individuals to dignity... 'About JFS'



Quick Link


Read, Reflect, React:- Justice on trial – United Arab Emirates...Read


A Portfolio of UAE Judgments:- The sale price, it is only 35% of the original price!...Read



UAE Judgments are worth buying, in all respects:- The UAE officials are committed to honour the content of the obligation to execute the Court Judgments now available for sale to general public...Read


Judgment For Sale - FAQ:- Frequently Asked Questions in respect of selling Court awarded Judgments...Read



Judgment Marketplace:- Join us and explore our innovative approaches to secure Justice...Read


UAE Case Law:-The Case Law & Constitution of UAE...Read


International Responsibility:-States as Guardians of the Rights of Individuals...Read


Legal Remedies & Reparations:- :-Reparation has progressively been conceived as a 'Right' of victims...Read


Legal Research & Outsourcing:- A team of professionals who have vast knowledge and expertise in the Legal field...Read


Invest in a judgment recovery business:- This is one of our value added, superior marketing plans primarily to honour and support the rights of individuals...Read



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